Embodied Wisdom Teaching And Journey To Stillness (300hrs)

An invitation to deepen into the ancient Yogic teachings on the science of Breath, Mind and Consciousness. An Embodied Wisdom Teaching that will allow you to experience your highest Truth & realize the nature of your Self

What is Yoga Nidra?

"Transcending the Mind through Samadhi is Yoga Nidra." - AG Mohan

In its essence Yoga Nidra is a practice to expand our conscious awareness. Through systematic relaxation of the body, lengthening of the breath which both in turn create the conditions for stillness in the mind to arise naturally and effortlessly. It is effortless non-doing. Simply resting in present moment awareness.Yoga Nidra is a transformational practice that draws from rich diverse yogic practices such as gentle yoga postures, concentration, mindfulness and breathing practices as well as mantra & meditation which together form the fundamental approach to Yoga Nidra. These practices all focus on bringing the mind to stillness, through lengthening of the breath, slow movement which all work toward an inner focus. Yoga Nidra invites us to journey inward away from the influences of the external world. This process of Pratyahara or inward focus in turn has a supremely beneficial impact on the mind. It is deeply therapeutic and can therefore be used in a wide variety of therapeutic settings. It is recommended for Yoga Teachers, Body Workers, Therapists, Psychiatrists, and other Mental Health Professionals.

What You Will Learn In This Training

The Philosophy of Yoga Nidra

Modern & Traditional Definition of Yoga Nidra

Diaphragmatic Breathing, Pranayama

Mindfulness Techniques & Anchoring Into The Present Moment

Turiya, Aum, Brahman & Self

Three States of Consciousness

Seven Limbs of Patanjali Yoga

Deepening Into Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi

Himalayan Yoga Nidra Practice

Meditation and Nyasa practices according to Sage Yajnavalkya & Vashishta

Mind, Breath, Emotions

Trauma & The Therapeutic Application of Yoga Nidra

How To Settle The Body & Still The Mind / Deepening Into Relaxation

Mindfulness Body Scan Techniques

Understanding The Mind Through The Three Gunas Rajas, Tamas & Sattva

The Three Sariras (Bodies)

The Five Koshas / Sheaths of The Body

Yoga Nidra : from Pratyahara to Samadhi

Mantra Chanting

Gentle Asana (Yoga Postures)

How to sequence a Yoga Nidra class

Mantra Chanting

Marma, Nyasa

Savasana As A Posture for Beginner Meditation According To BKS Iyengar

Included in This Course

  • 6 Breathing Practices
  • 3 Mindfulness Practices
  • Savasana Meditation according to BKS Iyengar
  • Guided Audio Meditation Shavayatra - 61 Breaths
  • Guided Audio Meditation Shithali Karana - 75 Breaths
  • Guided Audio Meditation Yoga Nidra for Anxiety, PTSD & Shock
  • Guided Audio Meditation on The Eighteen Vital Points (Sage Vashishta)
  • Guided Audio Meditation on The Eighteen Vital Points (Sage Yajnavalkya)
  • Guided Audio Meditation on Chinmudra
  • Guided Audio Meditation for Establishing A Felt Sense of Awareness
  • Guided Audio Meditation For Holding a Wide Perceptual Field of Listening
  • Guided Audio Meditation Tripura Sundari
  • Meditation for Inner Peace
  • 2 Guided Audio Yoga Nidra Meditations on the Chakras
  • Guided Audio Yoga Nidra Meditation For Opening the Heart Space

"The mental stability obtained through the power of Yoga is known as yoga-nidra, while mental stability on account of inertia (tamo-guna) due to bodily exhaustion is known as ordinary sleep."
- Sri T. Krishnamacharya

Course Curriculum

  Section 1: Defining Yoga Nidra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: Divinity in the Body - Consecration to the Divine
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3 Relaxation Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4: Healing through Yoga Nidra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 5: The Panchakosha and the Three Sarira (The Five Sheaths and the Three Bodies)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 6: त्रिगुण - Triguna: The three gunas in Yoga: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 7: प्राणा Prana: Breath Regulation / Pranayama
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 8: प्रत्याहार Pratyahara, The Fifth Limb of Patanjali Yoga
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 9: Yoga Nidra of the Himalayan Tradition of Swami Rama
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 10: The Relational Field in Yoga Nidra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 11: Trauma, Suffering & Resourcing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 12: Various Guided Yoga Nidra Meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 13: Yoga Asanas & Gentle Movement
Available in days
days after you enroll
"Stillness in the Body heals the body, Stillness in the Mind heals the mind, Stillness of the Prana heals the Prana."
-Dr David Frawley

Priciple Teacher & Course Author

Bettina Maria has immersed herself in the ancient teachings on Yoga Nidra since 2014. She is devoted to helping her students deepen into their own spiritual sadhana through the embodied practices of Yoga. It is her life's purpose to inspire others to liberate themselves from the cycle of suffering & realise their true authentic nature as unbounded Consciousness. Bettina is the Co-founder of Hrdayam School of Yoga. She is a qualified Yoga Teacher, Yoga Nidra Facilitator, a certified Yoga & Ayurvedic Consultant and certified Integral Vedic Counsellor. She has trained in Cranio Sacral Therapy and Shiatsu and is keenly aware of the innate and inherent ability of the body and mind to heal itself and be healed through right living and right practices of diet and lifestyle.

Course Format

This training programme consists of 13 Sections of Course Content that is immediately available to the student on payment.

There are eleven audio recordings which include guided Yoga Nidra meditations, guided breathing and body scan awareness practices.

The course content is on the teach:able platform and fully online and self led.

The course consists of over 300 pages of written content.

Included in this course are body scan techniques, mindfulness techniques, mantra recitation, awareness and grounding techniques to deepen into the practice of Yoga Nidra

We offer Student Mentorship throughout this course

Each section has written and practical assignments that the student needs to send in for grading and feedback.

The student will receive a Certificate on successful completion of all course content.

Course Outline

This training is created to be both a journey to experience deep relaxation and stillness in both body and mind as well as equip you to hold space and teach a Yoga Nidra session. This is a healing practice that will allow you to release long held trauma, release limiting beliefs and emotions. This course will teach you how to create a Yoga Nidra session according to your clients specific needs.

This training also delves deep into the original Yoga philosophy meaning of the term "Yoganidra" which in Sanskrit means the "sleep of yoga". This term refers to the transcendental state of Turiya which lies beyond the three states of human consciousness: waking state, dreaming state and deep sleep state of consciousness.

This training includes eleven guided Yoga Nidra meditations, as well as breathing practices, grounding, presence & mindfulness practices which will aid you into being fully present and aware in the present moment.

This training is a journey for you as the student to first understand the concepts of relaxation, breath, emotions and mind allowing you to first effectively bring yourself into this space of complete silence, stillness and non-doing and through your own inner embodied experience teach and hold space for your client bringing them into an aware and deeply relaxed state in every Yoga Nidra session you hold.

Certification & Accreditation

Hrdayam School of Yoga is registered with the Yoga Teachers fellowship of Southern Africa. This teacher training is internationally recognised through the Yoga Teachers Fellowship of SA. Upon successful completion of all coursework, all written and practical assignments, the student will be awarded a certificate from Hrdayam School of Yoga. This course certifies the student in 300hrs course study in the practice and application of Yoga Nidra. The student will receive a certificate showing "300hrs practice and application of Yoga Nidra qualifying as an Advanced Yoga Nidra Facilitator"

Tuition Fees

Advanced Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training (300hrs)

An Embodied Wisdom Teaching - And Journey To Stillness

ZAR 22000 (South African Rand)

Includes All Course Content On-Demand

This course is closed for enrollment.

Payment via Bank Details

Should you prefer to pay via our Bank Details:

1) Please contact us directly on [email protected].

2) You will receive an Invoice via email.

Payment Options available:

Option1: Deposit R4000 on enrollment + ZAR 3000 x 6 monthly payments

Option 2: Deposit R4000 on enrollment + ZAR 1800 x 10 monthly payments

You will be manually enrolled into the course and will be able to access all course content on demand.


"I am blessed to have come across a teacher training at the right time (of course). And the unfolding couldn't be more beautiful, more gentle, more mesmerising.....Yoga Nidra!, I have studied Yoga Nidra for the last 10 years through my beloved Swami Yogasagar, but never have I found a space and practice to call my own, beyond teaching. And here it finally is. Thank you Bettina and Hrydayam School of yoga for creating this training."
- Janaki Ashira,

"Thank you for being a good teacher. You are teaching me so much and I am learning so much and I appreciate it so much....everyday that I practice what you are teaching I learn more and more."
- Ryno Mahne

"I'm beginning to wish this course would never end."
- Dr Melane Van Zyl